Just Looking for an Excuse to Talk About Data Mug



This one’s for all the other data lovers out there. If you’ve been looking for an excuse to talk about what you love (in this case- data, spreadsheets, and more), now you have one!


Maddie here! I just had to share the inspiration behind this mug that’s near and dear to my heart! My husband LOVES data- he will make spreadsheets and run studies just for fun so he can look at data. The thing is, he’s always trying to talk to me about it. And I’ll be honest- I’m not one for looking at data. It’s not my thing. BUT I love that it’s something my hubby is passionate about. So…I wanted to make him a mug that would help him have an excuse to talk about it (with me, or anyone who will listen really). This design is part of one of our collections that’s made to help people spark conversations about their passions.